Thursday, November 28, 2019

Free college essay examples -

Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples - Free college essay examples -

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Writing Tips The Elements of a Screenplay

Writing Tips The Elements of a Screenplay Writing Tips: The Elements of a Screenplay A â€Å"screenplay† is typically a script for a movie or television show. And if you see a screenplay on paper, you’ll notice it has a specific â€Å"look† and structure. This is partly due to the formatting, but it is also because all scripts contain certain things. Key elements include: Scene headings Descriptions of the action Character names Dialogue Parentheticals and extensions Transitions and shots We’ll now look at each of these screenplay elements in detail. 1. Scene Headings Each scene in your script should begin with a scene heading written in all caps. Usually, these provide information on whether the scene takes place inside (INT.) or outside (EXT.), the specific location, and what time of day or night it is. This is also known as a â€Å"slug line.† For example: INT. BEDROOM – NIGHT. EXT. CAPITOL BUILDING – SUNSET. The first scene heading above tells us that the scene takes place inside a bedroom at night. The second, meanwhile, is for a scene that takes place outside the Capitol Building at sunset. 2. Action The â€Å"action† in a script is where you describe the setting and what happens in each scene. As such, this will cover most of the text in your script other than the dialogue. However, action descriptions should only mention things that can be seen or heard (not what characters are thinking or feeling). Action lines in a screenplay.(Image: Entheta/wikipedia) A good rule here is to use the present tense and active voice whenever possible. This will ensure the action feels urgent on the page. You should also keep descriptions of action brief (ideally, no more than 3-5 lines per paragraph) so that your screenplay does not become too long. 3. Characters The first time you name someone in the action of your screenplay, you should write their name in all caps to show that you’re introducing a new character. This might be an actual name (e.g., SHIRLEY or MAJID) or a role description (e.g., PRISON GUARD or ANGRY DRIVER). We also use character names to show who is speaking in the dialogue. In this case, the name is usually written in all caps and indented roughly 2† (or 5cm) from the left margin on the page. The dialogue itself is then given on the next line, continuing until the character stops speaking. Finally, you may see some scripts with a list of characters at the beginning. This is especially common in stage plays, but not generally something you would include in a screenplay. 4. Dialogue The dialogue in a script is what the characters will say on screen, but it also includes voiceovers or voices coming from off screen (see the bit on extensions below for how this works). Typically, you should indent each line of dialogue 1† (2.5 cm) from the left margin and end 1.5† (3.75cm) from the right margin. This will ensure it appears in roughly the center of the page. 5. Parenthetical and Extensions Parentheticals and extensions provide extra information about what is happening in a screenplay: A parenthetical tells us how a character says something or what they are doing while they speak. These appear on the line between the character name and the dialogue itself. An extension is a note given in brackets after a character’s name stating how the audience will hear something. The most common are O.S. (offscreen) and V.O. (voiceover). These are usually given immediately after the character’s name when introducing dialogue. You should therefore add these to your screenplay as and when required. 6. Transitions and Shots Finally, we have transitions and shots. These notes provide extra information, much like parentheticals and extensions. However, transition and shot notes are specific to shooting and editing. A typical â€Å"transition† note, for example, might say CUT TO: or FADE TO: to show how two scenes should be edited together in the final version. A â€Å"shot† note, meanwhile, would tell us what kind of shot to use when filming a scene (e.g., CLOSE UP or REVERSE ANGLE). Generally, these are only included in a shooting script (i.e., a script that is already being produced). As such, you can leave these notes out if you are writing a spec script (i.e., a script you will pitch to producers).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Community and Public Health Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community and Public Health Nursing - Essay Example A metaphor for community is 'system' in that a community has inter-related and inter-dependant structures that work together to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Further, the behaviors of the people making up this system are reactive to stimuli. The community as a whole can be conceived of conceptually as 'client' (McGary, 2003). A community is comprised of aggregate groups. An aggregate a can be defined as a collection of all the individuals within the community who have the same specific characteristics, for example the aggregate of older persons or families within London (Bakken, Cashen, Eneida, Mendonca, O'Brien, & Zieniewicz, 2000). Where the focus of care is on more than the single person the term aggregate is often used. In this sense, the aggregate can also be conceptualized as 'client'. The aggregate are the sub-population which share a common interest, problem or purpose. However, as an aggregate is part of a community there is an inter-relationship between th e needs of the aggregate and the needs of the wider community(Bakken et al., 2000).. Hence, each of these 'clients' functions within an external environment, and incorporates and is affected by biopsychosocial factors. To effectively differentiate between a community and aggregate is essential for nurses to be able to provide community care and care of specific groups.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics - Case Study Example It would be ethical to disclose what TT is doing under the Kantian ethics that stresses the principles of universal acceptability and respect or the criterion of reciprocity. It is already confirmed that what TT is producing is counterfeited from the produce of FF. Moreover, the alleged drug or diet produced by TT has been made using cheap substances that make him reap maximum profits that are not comparable to the combination that can be derived from the genuine ones produced by FF. The implication of this under the Kantian utilitarianism is that there is need to disclose the productions of TT, as he neither respects the needs of his customers nor does he produce a diet worthy of reciprocation from his clients. The production by TT must be disclosed for violating the principles of reciprocity in that despite the fact that his child is sick and needs expensive treatment, his production does not guarantee his patients a successful treatment therapy. For the Kantian utilitarianism to h ave held any ground for him to warrant a non-disclosure of his activities, TT should have endeavored to compare the needs of his client as compared to the plight of his daughter in the spirit of reciprocity. Fisher and Lovell (2008) argue that at any given time, a person must know when to apply the ethical virtues and how to use them. Under the present scenario, TT has exhibited rashness or recklessness in his behavior by offering substandard diet and Energy band to his customers and therefore under the ethical virtues, his activities should be disclosed to the authorities, as they do not take care of the interests of the clientele. It would be an act of courage and magnificence as well as an act of honor for me as a journalist to disclose the misdemeanors and misrepresentations of TT to the authorities in line with the reasoning of Aristotle of what virtue is. This is coupled with the fact that disclosing his activities will be seen as a virtue of truthfulness and magnanimity to pr otect the clients that TT serves. The need to report TT is further compounded by the fact that he is boastful and malicious in that he only focuses on taking his daughter to an expensive hospital at the expense of others who he may harm through his sub-standard diet and Energy Band (Aristotle, 1955). There would also be need to disclose the lies and misrepresentations peddled by TT through his diets. This could be hinged on Gilligan’s (1982) virtue of care and wisdom, vice of deficiency and the vice of excess or appeasement as used in moral reasoning. Through this reasoning, there would be need to disclose the activities of TT, as they lack any care or wisdom in their undertaking. This is whereby TT is only concerned about the need to generate money to take his daughter to an expensive hospital, as opposed to giving his clients the right therapy or diet to help them live a healthy lifestyle. It would also be important to report him for the wrong that he is committing to his c lients in order to appease them for the excesses that TT may have committed to them. Question 2 As an investigative journalist who has been approached by TT for a relationship in exchange for compliments, it is important to reject the offer and advances. Based on Low and Queensland University of Technology (2012), I am at the fourth stage in

Monday, November 18, 2019

Approaches to calculation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Approaches to calculation - Essay Example The supplementation of mathematics learnt in school with their home based symbols can make kids have a deeper and better comprehension of what is taught in class. In figure 3 Barney has used various symbols to communicate his idea. He has used beans, flowerpots, the hand, arrows, numerical (10, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4 and 5) and letters (t, I, s). Barley strives to represent mathematical expressions using symbols. He states that â€Å"10 t 1 is p† which means that 10 take away 1 gives 9. In this instance he uses the letter â€Å"t† to represent the mathematical symbol of (–) which means minus. The letter â€Å"p† stands for 9 in an inverted form. The whole representation is supposed to mean that 1 taken away from 10 gives 9 or in a mathematical symbol way it’s simply 10-1=9. He also states that â€Å"2 t is 1† to mean 1 taken away from 2 gives 1. He uses another form in the second instance involving arrows and a flowerpot with beans in it. The arrows emerging from the pot are symbols that represent the act of taking away a bean the pot and the number of beans in the pots to the right of the arrow represents the number of beans that are left once the bean is takeaway from the pot. This whole representation stands for a standard mathematical symbol of 2-1=1 and 8-1=7 expressed in Barney’s own symbols. Code switching is evident here as he switches from using numerical and letters to drawings and arrows. He then switches to using numbers and arrows and â€Å"is† which represent the equal sign in a standard mathematical representation. The arrows denote the minus or take away sign. Lastly he draws the hand with a numerical on it to denote that the number has been taken away from a set and ‘is’ means the equals sign (Giangrasso & Shrimpton, 2013, pp112- 178). Barley’s recordings give a pictorial representation to the mathematical expression and appeals to the eyes of the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits of Education for Society

Benefits of Education for Society Benefit of the education: Education a tool for progress Abstract This document shows us some educative system that change social status of the society and how the education is a perfect mechanism for finding the economic stability of a country. This research is based on fact of countries that had suffered key change using to the education how way for building a competitive civilization. Moreover, Finn educative system has been the best of the world without pressures to students. When they choose subjects, class schedules with the purpose of having brilliant students that supply their knowledge at the community. It decreased the levels of poverty in developing cities. So, this country focused in creating groups people working together for finding big profits on an environment complex. In addition, government have implemented extreme laws as free education since the first education years until university. In this nation, all is free including educative material, meal and transport producing big result as the first country in innovation. Besides, time moderns had put on evidence that the world continually modify different aspects as educational, economic and social.   It has seen the need of finding other solutions based in the creativity and the innovation that request to progress with the time. So, technology is the result of people who look for show their investigations through constant experiments. Nowadays, it serves as support material for creating an easy learning to students that allow them development their thought creative. Education: A tool for progress The educational systems influence in the student dynamics facilitating the learning with techniques that allow the development mental and psychological of the students. However, obsolete educational models is ending with the critical thought of the youth. Due to, classes are not interactive between professor and student or student and student getting a level low of learning in comparison of other countries. It connects the real world with the imaginary established possibilities for the progress where the only benefited has been the humanity. It has meant a halted society in the past without future. However, could new educational methods serves as a window to successful? Challenges of the human being are strategic approaches designs depending on the necessities that turn around of our environment. In other words, it means our world is created on base of people who has seen and thought of a way different. So, some countries adopt at the education as a form for the progress and create new policies on profit of the knowledge until get a stability economy of a country on development process. Then, it allow to develop scientist mind through experiments based experience accumulations that in an unexpected moment appearance and transformed our life. Therefore, we have to mention to the creativity and at the innovation as resources of development on a future closer. The Knowledge Builds Cities The researcher spirit is inside of each person like a faded diamond that only need to polish for having a shine. It means that the people since they are children need to have more attention and a correct education for developing a set of ideas in front of any event. It will allow them improving to generate big solutions in look for excellent. But, in the traditional educative systems, students go to the classes for staying in their seat and do not interact in the classes. At the result, that country stays in the past. The humanity requests changes constants on educative models and at the same time a dedication about effects produced on the youth. However, countries advance to big step that decrease its resources until cause damage irreversible. Here, the education is an important role because, it creates mechanics that help to eradicate problems with simple solutions based on idea rains according to a think way. Educative institutions are held to Government laws apply their form of leading a nation. In this situation, the new mechanics tend to lose their figure on the development model technologic and industrial. But, there are countries where the public sectors have their space. So as, Hancock (2011) explain that In 1963, the Finnish Parlia-ment made the bold decision to choose public education as its best shot at economic recovery. Finland recently has been the attention center at worldwide level on education because this country has the best educative system of the world. This change began 40 years ago when they used at the education as only possible of thriving on the economy. This program takes many time until on 2000 year was the first evaluation done by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) with a standardized test showing that Finland had the best readers of the world, on few time after they was the best in math. In 2009, PISA put to Nordic state on second place in science, in third place in reading and six place in math. So, they performed that education is the key of the successful. Due to, government post at the education as a mechanism for leaving of the poverty and compete worldwide. This system is success on two important aspects: Educative Model The education is free for all Finn with any economic levels receive the same knowledge and children begin school life at 7 years old. The primary education has a length of six years during this time, they have classes with the same professor each subject. They attend at the school few hours each student learns to think in the different educative levels are integrated in one only body. In other words, there is not a transition since initial education, school primary, college until university. Professor It is the career more difficult because the students must study hard for getting excellent grades. The major of students want to follow a teaching career because it has big prestige and is a respectable figure. Although, the professor salary is not high as others professions, it has huge petition in society. This carrier is enough demanding for the students but each university admits only 10% of the total of candidates. In addition, duration of this university career is five years, three years they study for a bachelor ´s degree and two years for a specialization obligatory on master. When students finish his teaching career, majority of graduate choose the childhood as the resource of knowledge on a society in building. In short, they consider that the childhood is starting point for future changes of their country. Also, children have curiosity for learning and know things that are around. All Finland people trust in the knowledge of their teachers and usually need them help about something that they do not know. Because, the community knows that students with excellent qualifications access to the teaching. Innovation and Creativity The innovation is the source of the wealth on setting of the creativity, a transition that breaks the traditional diagrams below the light of fresh ideas promoting  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   the art of thinking.   So as, Robinson (2010) explain that In fact, creativity which I define as the process of having original ideas that have value more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things. Then, the tactic discipline puts on evidence creation of a right behavior directed interchange of ideas between people. Occasionally, the scientists use simple ideas like hypothesis for arriving to a general idea (thesis) in middle of these two points exist innumerable experimental processes. So, there are great creations start with simple answer and follow a sequence logical of thoughts until get a purpose. For instance, the technology since its creation on the century XXI has united borders and has destroyed obstacles on the field social and on construction of new knowledge. Nowadays, the professors and students have benefit on the learning and the teaching through computational programs orient to create more invent in basing of invent created. However, it needs economic investment of local governments and contribution of private companies for an excellent educative level. That is to say, the better investment is in the education. In addition, some invents serve like experimental models for the next generation. It attracts attention of the students and possibility of creating a revolutionary idea. Creativity designs a path of chances on crisis times. Creative uses passion as the motor to develop an activity and involving the imagination in the prediction about something that will happen or happened. Humans are the only with capacity compose, create, invent, build cities and buildings. We live in an imaginary world where everything around us is the end product of an idea that someone had. So, if we put our neurons to work we are able to advance, progress, start our projects and face new challenges. Although, sometimes we have possibility of making mistakes, this not must be impediment because stumbling leads to a good idea. Therefore, we all have capacity to create and to imagine but we must learn to develop it in the same way that we learn to read. Senegal (2016) said that Technology is progressively replacing manual labour and pervading how we live and work. So, the creativity revolutionizes the learning and changing the social status of a generation that advances continuously using new methods on the education. Modern methodologies offer a variety of solutions with the building of investigation centers. It has gotten good profit and the quote of investigators for the modern world. In conclusion, this research have found important aspects that is changing the world since human beings use their physical abilities or intellectuals for creating something. However, some people is following old methods that do not allow developing a creative though with activities focused to future world. On the other hand, new study techniques propose radical changes in the behavior mental in front of challenges of a society that search getting an equilibrium social and economic. So, each epoch marks the end and the beginning of something new where creativity plays an important role in the advance or deterioration of a civilization. References Compton, A. (Direccià ³n). (2012). The Finland Phenomenon [Pelà ­cula]. Hancock, L. (- de 09 de 2011). Obtenido de Ossola, A. (12 de 11 de 2014). The Atlantic. Obtenido de The Atlantic: Robinson, K. (2010). Ted Ideas Worth Spreading. Obtenido de Ted Ideas Worth Spreading: Segal, S. (20 de 5 de 2016). World Economic Forum. Obtenido de World Economic Forum:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hindenburg :: World War II History

Hindenburg Was the "Hindenburg disaster" a result of sabotage committed by the opponents of the Nazi organization? Did a bolt of lightning strike the zeppelin? Or was one of the most devastating accidents in aviation history nothing but a cunningly planned insurance fraud? Over 60 years ago, airships were the "queens of the skies." In the early 1900s, a stubborn, yet brilliant German count, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, took keen interest in balloon flights and was devoted to the design and construction of airships. At first, he had many difficulties and setbacks but soon his airships were able to accommodate passengers as well. This lighter-than-air vehicle will later be known as a zeppelin. Blimps and zeppelins were very different. For example, blimps did not have an internal frame; whereas the zeppelin had a "skeleton" which supported the gas bags. During the first World War, German zeppelins were used to bomb London from the air. Thus, they earned the name of "monsters of the purple twilight." Although their bombs damaged English cities, the zeppelins would often fly off course, miss their targets or be shot down by British planes. By the end of the war, so many German zeppelins have been lost that these high altitude warships were declared useless as war machines. To boost spirit, the Germans even made a song for it. Of course, I can't read German so I'll just read off the translation: Zeppelin, flieg, Hilf uns im krieg, Flieg nach England, England wird abgebrannt, Zeppelin, flieg. Zeppelin, fly, Help us win the war, Fly against England, England will be burned, Zeppelin, fly. The Hindenburg, also known as LZ-129, was one of Nazi Germany's finest airships and was the first airship to provide air service across the Atlantic. In fact, it is the largest and most luxurious zeppelin ever built. It represented the greatness of the Third Reich and its leader, Hitler. Construction began in autumn of 1931 but the Zeppelin Company ran out of money for the huge project and stopped. Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and quickly realized that a giant airship could be used to spread the propaganda of the new government so the Nazis provided money and quickly took control of Zeppelin Company. The Hindenburg was complete in 1936 and flew with the Olympic rings painted on its sides that year in honor of the Olympic games in Berlin.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Useful contacts in fashion industry

Thinking about my future life and calling, long term purposes for this MA are to construct utile contacts in manner industry in UK, derive a existent penetration into the Ethical Manner Industry in UK, and hopefully finish a work arrangement at the Ethical Fashion Forum. In order to carry through my undertaking, I need to make the prognosis research of the Ethical Manner in UK and India in order to make to the best subject of my research. To finish this MA, good clip and undertaking managementskills is traveling to be one of my most of import challenges. Besides, my strong focal point would be on strategically be aftering and developing research accomplishments. Carry throughing my acquisition understanding ends will give me new understanding and cognition on the Ethical Manner Industry in UK and India. For accomplishing all of the above, I need to construct countless contacts with the manner interior decorator, concerns and administration concentrating upon sustainability in the manner industry in UK and India. Once, I have made adequate contacts and collected information ; I will so discourse and orate about my undertaking proposal. Ultimately, when I get an enthusiastic response, by looking at the success of Ethical Fashion Market, UK, I will so interchange those thoughts with Kakoli Banergee, Trustee, Satya – Jyoti Trust, India ; to join forces and explicate my undertaking program. If I receive a positive hope I would believe I have eventually completed my MA journey, successfully.ANSHU YADAVInvestigate into an Ethical Manner market in UK and IndiaUndertaking PROPOSALTitleInvestigate into an Ethical Manner market in UK and IndiaPurposeUnderstand the current scenario of ethical manner concern in India and associate to UK. Research UK ‘S ethical manner concern ; provi dea program for doing of a selling organic structure ( Eco – Fashion Park ) for ethical manner manufacturer group and craftsmans in India.RESEARCH QUESTIONSWhat is Ethical Fashion?Specifying Ethical MannerSustainability and ternary underside lineFinding out issues and patterns of Ethical MannerReviewing history of ethical mannerFast Fashion and Cheap FashionWhat is the market size of Ethical Fashion?Domestic ( INDIA ) market research on the Ethical Fashion Business and Lifestyle.International ( UK ) market research on the Ethical Fashion Business and Lifestyle.What is sustainable production and ingestion. Specifying the sustainable production and ingestionDomestic ( INDIA ) industry research on methods of sustainable production and ingestionInternational ( UK ) industry research on methods of sustainable production and ingestionSustainable Fashion manufacturer groups and their jobs in IndiaWhat are the assorted enfranchisement possibilities for set uping a sustainable manner concern in UK and India?Ethical criterions and LabelingTrade Tariffs and BarriersWhat is value concatenation?Specifying value concatenationResearch into associating the national ethical manner manufacturers and international purchasers and markets.RESEARCH METHODSMeasure: Case Study, Grounded Theory and Consumer reactions survey.Quality: Experimental AnalysisANSHUYADAVInvestigate into an Ethical Manner market in UK and India3. Primary Research: Focus on garnering information on ethical manner from India and UK3.1 Interviews with cardinal forum members of Ethical Fashion Forum, UK.3.2 Interviews with emerging manner and fabric interior decorators in sustainable design in UK and India.3.3 Social networking, for case, Face book,3.4 Fashion Business networking: Ethical Fashion Forum ( UK ) , Designer Forum ( UK ) , Ethical Trade Initiative ( UK ) , Craft grade ( India ) , Labour administrations, Manufacturers of Sustainable Fibers, Yarns and Fabrics.3.5 Personal contacts in the Fashion Industry will assist me derive appreciable attack.3.6 Questionnaires and Videos of assorted creative persons involved in Sustainable Manner patterns.3.7 International tendency and manner show visits. For case, London Fashion Week, London ; The Cloth Show, Birmingham ; Premier Vision, Paris3.8 Design institutes and authorities organic structures3.9 Non – Net income Administration, Satya – Jyoti Trust, India.4. Secondary Research: Concentrating on Ethical Fashion Forum in UK.4.1 Co – work with Ethical Fashion Forum as a research houseman, alongside an associate manager, roll uping research for EFF undertakings and events.4.2 To understand the deductions of explicating a selling organic structure ( Eco – Fashion Park ) in India, for the sustainable Practioners.4.3 Analyze Journals ( MONOCLE, DRAPERS, FINANCIAL TIMES, ECO- TEXTILE ) Weekly Magazines ( TREND UNION, NEW CONSUMER, THE ECOLOGIST ) and Online Magazine ( THREAD ) , and Readings ( ECO- CHIC, BY SAND Y BLACK ; GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK, BY T BLANCHARD, BUSINESS ETHICS AND VALUES, BY PETE ENGARDIO ; SUSTAINABLE FASHION AND TEXTILES BY KATE FLETCHER.4.4Get studies from on-line Databases and Articles ( MINTLE, GMID, JUST STYLE.COM )5. Literature Research: Refer to BibliographyRational number OF MY PROJECTIn my position point ethical manner is the exciting topic to analyze as it has been catching the headlines within manner industry in recent times.It is the singularity in manner that allows us to look at sustainability in advanced ways. Therefore, Fashion provides an chance of consciousness for sustainability. Many sustainable patterns and motions are deriving impulse and traveling towards mainstream. Green edifices, insides, place merchandises and even green nuptialss and events are booming, yet manner is when embraced in sustainable ways, holds even greater impact potency. What is besides alone to manner, more so than other sustainable tracts, is that it is a big vehicle. Ethical manner besides interested me as it focuses on ailment patterns in the mills, poorness decrease, environment instruction, production and ingestion issues, with a strong attending on workers wellness ; in relation to the manner industries. Ethicall manner at a planetary degree has captured my involvement, for the really simple ground, that London manner has stepped frontward to advance ethical manner vesture. Top store, Marks and Spencer, Zara, Next, Europeon Fashion concatenation and USA Banana Republic are all specializing in â€Å"going green† . With a strong focal point on Ethical Fashion Forum ( UK ) , I want to cognize how to make such a non for net income administration, where the ethical manner manufacturer group, from field to mill to stop merchandise, exchange thoughts, collaborate and pass on efficaciously on assorted sustainable patterns and events.My cognition in Ethical Manner from UK wouldthen let me to supply the program of doing a successful selling organic structure ( Eco – Fashion Park ) for Ethical Fashion manufacturer groups and craftsmans of India, in India.GOALS AND OBJECTIVESLEANING GOAL 1:1.1 Clarity of ideas: Think profoundly for filtrating clear and in-depth information.1.2 Asse ssed: Bing able to make up one's mind the best concluding research subject.LEARNING GOAL 2:2.1 Quick and Accurate Reading: discover to read relevant subjects and fast. Besides to better drumhead and note taking accomplishments, to be able to use utile informations resource at clip of digest of my undertaking.2.2 Assessed: Leting myself to do reading list and note returns wonts.LEARNING GOAL 3:3.1 Professional Writing and Presentation Skills: enhance my English speech production and composing accomplishments, professional attack towards any assigned undertaking and entries.3.2 Assessed: Confidently being able to joint and present myPGC Presentation and Learning Agreement.LEARNING GOAL 4:4.1 Project – Planning and Self – Time Management Skills: Producing a comprehensive undertaking proposal with a proposed attack, research way and agenda to be followed.4.2 Assessed: Bing able to bring forth a timely entry of Project Proposal.LEARNING GOAL 5:5.1 Professional Cognition: Hi story of Ethical Fashion Design, Business and Industry, increased consciousness of Ethical Fashion Business in planetary context.5.2 Assessed: Bing able to near future research stage professionally.LEARNING GOAL 6:6.1 International Work Experience Placement: Co- work with Ethical Fashion Forum to derive more cognition about Ethical Manner6.2 Assessed: Possible Case Studies and Personal Growth of improved synergistic accomplishments.LEARNING GOAL 7:7.1 Research orientation accomplishments: Better my research devising accomplishments, by ego apprehension and implementing them in my thesis.7.2 Assessed: Bing able to do a research oriented MA Dissertation in the last stage of research.Undertaking TERRAINResultKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDINGUndertaking Proposal, presented in the PGC phaseProject related information aggregation and analysis, utilizing the primary and secondary research methodsLearning understanding: refer to this papersSelf clip directionSKILLS, QUALITIES AND ATTRIBUTESProjec t Management: refer to the undertaking clip frameLearning Contract Summary FormPlan of learning resources inside the University ( Oct- Nov 2008 )Reading relevant magazines and books in library and utilizing library larning resource to acquire the selling study which I needAttend the talks that are related to my undertaking proposalAttend undergraduate talks of Fashion and Textile Management.Ask inquiries about y research from my coach and supervisorMultiple photocopies of magazines, diaries, study and books from libraryPlan of learning resources outside the University ( Jan-June 2009 )Observe the magazine market from intelligence, studies, web logs, forum on web sitesMake contacts with the relevant industry or hopefully happen a research internship with Ethical Fashion Forum, UK, which can assist me derive the cognition of Sustainable Fashion and Textile industry.Maintain Chronofile ( My Research log book )Academic supportKeep in touch with supervisors and professors during making t he undertakingUse the library larning resource to obtain any relevant study that I need.Practical acquisitionTry to reach as many Fashion Designers, Sustainable Fashion Producer groups, consultancy ‘s and non for Net income Administrations.Interview the people who relate to my undertaking proposal and larn the accomplishments of communicating.Designation of larning demandsSuggestions from my supervisor and coachLectures which are related to my undertaking proposalLatest studies and intelligence on manner, design and ethical manner marketRoll up a batch of documentariesrelated to sudate stores and sustainable Manner and Textiles.Learn to acquire the sentiments from different people and understand Ethical consumer and manufacturer groups in UK and India.Besides interact with manner pupils and do pictures inquiring about their purchasing attitudes towards Ethical Fashion Clothing.Skills to sum up the information that I obtain during the researchSkills to take a precise note from interview ( primary research ) and books and picture ( secondary research )Designation of non-learning resource demandsEntree to university computing machine which has professional package to bring forth my papers and seting exposures and imagesTarget day of the month for completion of undertaking proposal

Friday, November 8, 2019

English Vocabulary for Clothing

English Vocabulary for Clothing The words below are some of the most important used when talking about clothes and fashion such as when you go shopping. Words that are used only for women are marked with a w, words that are only used for men are marked with an m. General Clothing Terms and Examples anorak - If youre hiking in cold weather, youll need an anorak.belt - Ive lost weight, so I need a new belt to hold up my trousers.blouse w - Thats such a pretty blouse. I love the checked pattern.cardigan - Put on a cardigan and turn down the heat to save money at home.dress w - Anna wore an elegant red dress to the reception.gloves - I prefer to wear gloves to mittens because my fingers need to be free.jacket - Let me put on a jacket and lets go for a walk.jeans - I only wear jeans on the weekend as I have to wear a business suit during the week.jumper - Thats a cute jumper. Where did you buy it?overalls - Overalls have been out of fashion for a very long time.overcoat - When dressing formal, its best to wear an overcoat.pullover - Im cold, so I need to put on a pullover.raincoat - Raincoats wont keep you warm, but they will keep you dry.scarf - A scarf is a beautiful accessory to add a touch of elegance.shirt - You should wear a dress shirt to work today.sweatshirt - I put on a sw eatshirt and went to the gym to work out. T-shirt - He usually wears a t-shirt to work. Hes a slob.tie - On the west coast people dont usually wear ties. However, ties are quite common on the east coast.skirt w - She wore a skirt and blouse to the job w - Mini-skirts were introduced in the 1960s and were considered very provocative.shorts - Its summer. Why arent you wearing shorts?socks - If you dont wear socks, your feet will stink!suit - Some professions require men to wear a suit to work.sweater - I pulled on the warm sweater and drank a cup of cocoa.trousers - Everyone puts on their trousers one leg at a time. Sportswear jogging suit - Alice got into a jogging suit and ran three miles.tracksuit - In some countries, people like to wear tracksuits when lounging around the house.bikini w - Sports Illustrated features a bikini issue every year. Some think beautiful women in tiny bikinis dont have much to do with sports!swimming costume / swimming-suit w - Get your swimming-suit on and lets go to the beach.swimming trunks m - In the USA, most men wear swimming trunks rather than speedos. Footwear boots - If youre going for a hike, youll need to wear boots.sandals - During the summer, I usually wear sandals on the weekends.slippers - I sometimes like to get in my pajamas, put on my slippers and spend a quiet evening at - The heels on my shoes have worn out. I need a new pair.sneakers - Were just getting some groceries, put on your sneakers and lets go. Underwear bra w - Victorias Secret has made the bra into a fashion statement.knickers w - Dont get your knickers twisted!panties w - She bought three pairs of panties with her bra.tights/pantyhose w - My sister doesnt like to wear dresses because she hates pantyhose.boxers m - She thinks boxers look better on men than briefs.briefs m - Briefs are also called tightie whities in idiomatic American English. Hats and Caps beret - Men in France seem to love wearing berets.cap - Americans wear a lot of baseball caps.hat - Men used to wear hats in the 1950s. Everything has changed since then!helmet - Soldiers could be recognized during the war by the type of helmet they wore. Natural Materials cotton - Cotton breathes and is an excellent all-around fabric.denim - Denim is the cloth used to make jeans.leather - Leather jackets are considered quite stylish by some.linen - Linen sheets are very comfortable during hot summer nights.rubber - The souls of boots are often made out of rubber, or rubber-like - Silk sheets are considered a luxury in most parts of the world.suede - Dont you step on my blue suede shoes is a line from a famous Elvis Presley song.wool - I prefer to wear a traditional wool coat to keep warm in winter. Artificial Materials plastic - There are many plastic components in todaysporting shoes.nylon - Nylon is used to make rain jackets.polyester - Polyester is often mixed with cotton to make a shirt iron-free. Fashion designer - Designers are often outlandish - The latest fashions come from Paris and - Fashion-conscious people spend thousands on clothes every year.trend - I cant keep up with the latest trends.unfashionable - That jacket is quite unfashionable. Patterns checked - The checked shirt is quite popular in Portland.flowered - She likes to wear flowered dresses.patterned - I generally stay away from patterned shirts.plain - I prefer a plain blue shirt.polka-dots or spots - Spotted blouses are fashionable this season.pinstriped - A dark blue pinstriped suit can be very elegant.tartan - The Scottish are known for their tartan clothes.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Answers to Questions About Abbreviations

Answers to Questions About Abbreviations Answers to Questions About Abbreviations Answers to Questions About Abbreviations By Mark Nichol Responses to some reader queries about abbreviation issues follow. 1. Which is the preferred abbreviation for â€Å"United States,† US or U.S.? Both forms are correct, but, in the interests of consistency with the decline of the use of periods in abbreviations, the trend is to use US. (Note that the abbreviation should be used only as an adjective, not as a noun: â€Å"She was born in a US territory,† but not â€Å"She was born in the US.†) 2. When one abbreviates states, should there be any punctuation after, say, TX? And are both the T and the X capitalized? The short form of state names based on US Postal Service usage and technically considered a symbol rather than an abbreviation omits periods, and both letters are capitalized. However, the symbol should be used only when listing an address or in a chart or other graphic element where space is at a premium. Newspaper style is to abbreviate according to The Associated Press Stylebook (for example, Tex.), but in many other periodicals and in most books, state names are usually spelled out in regular text. 3. I am teaching a business-writing course, and I want to know how to approach terms like SOP or any other abbreviation. Does one say â€Å"an SOP† or â€Å"a SOP†? I guess the same would apply to â€Å"getting a MA† or â€Å"getting an MA.† Because we pronounce each letter in these terms (â€Å"ess-oh-pee† and â€Å"em-ay†), rather than treating them as words (â€Å"sop† and â€Å"mah†), the first sound determines whether we use a or an when we speak or write the abbreviation. As with other words starting with the â€Å"ess† sound (especially or essential, for example), we precede SOP with an. The same goes for MA, just as in, say, eminent or embellishment. Testing phrases vocally is usually reliable (an seems easier to say before these terms than a does), though there are exceptions: â€Å"An historic occasion† is easier for me, at least to say than â€Å"a historic occasion,† though an is â€Å"wrong.† See this post for more information. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?7 Patterns of Sentence StructureParataxis and Hypotaxis

Monday, November 4, 2019

Social Performance, Part 1 Social Performance, Part 2 Essay

Social Performance, Part 1 Social Performance, Part 2 - Essay Example The company has grown so fast. This can be attributed to many reasons but majorly to the much time we invest in listening to our customer needs through day to day contact and periodic evaluations that form part of our policies. The quality of our products and services is also very high and geared toward the needs of our customers. Also available to us is a wide network of stakeholders whose ideas we value so much and as they meet in their pre planned forums, they give us their reports which are reviewed and after accreditation, these are incorporated into our management and production (Cooper, 2004). The company deals directly with manufacturing companies which produce computer systems. When clients order specific computer systems, we forward the same requests to the manufacturing partners so that they produce systems which will satisfy the clients’ need. ... te the hard economic times that businesses have experienced, our services and products have always been on demand since the prices are friendly for people of varied economic capabilities. It does not matter where the clients are located (Oliver, 2011). The company has distributers to our products all over the city. We identify business firms located in our area of interest. Then, whenever customers make requests, we identify their location and instruct our distributers to deliver these items to specific locations as customer specifies. These distributors do not have to be dealing with information technology business in order to be accepted in the company’s list of distributors. The most important factor is that they accept to abide by our terms of service which include confidentiality and safety of commodities delivered to them. They are also allowed to give these items to people whose details are provided to them by the company in consultation with the company at all times in order to avoid putting our customers’ items into wrong hands (Cooper, 2004). In addition to these local distributors, we have also trained technicians who help customers whenever there is need for installations and services or troubleshooting. Our technicians are highly qualified professionals whom we engage on part time basis due to the unpredicted nature of demand in the particular towns where they reside. All our technicians are accredited and certified by national and global IT expert bodies and their services are always of high quality. We have always had requests to provide services for systems we never installed because of the high performance of systems which have been serviced by our technicians. The technicians always receive trainings and renew their certification in order to

Friday, November 1, 2019

What are the major advantages and disadvantages of the four principles Essay

What are the major advantages and disadvantages of the four principles approach to health care ethics - Essay Example In the 1970s, theologian James Childress and philosopher Tom Beauchamp came up with the ‘four principles’ approach (Beauchamp 1994, p.35). They enrolled the four principles, which they believed could be considered over each other when making an ethical decision on matters pertaining to medicine. There has been a substantial evolution of the Principles of Biomedical Ethics since the first version of its kind of theory and the requirements of particular circumstances. Principlism has specifically changed into a realistic approach for ethical decision-making focusing on ethical principles of justice, autonomy, non-maleficence and beneficence. Principlism is usually attained from, and is consistent with many theological approaches, social and even ethical advances towards ethical decision-making. The advancement, which is pluralist in nature, is quite necessary when one has to make an ethical verdict in a society or institution because clusters of pluralist fields by descrip tion can concur with neither certain ethical theories nor their explanations. The adequate state rather is that majority of people and communities would concur that there exists an extensive concurrence on the common values of justice, non-maleficence, beneficence and autonomy. Justice The principle of justice means allotting the benefits and saddles of a particular verdict fairly. It demands for proper allotment of benefits, risks and expenses evenly. In the present era, communities are enlightened co-operations that are principled by ethical and legal features of justice that give meaning to the support requisites. Individuals in a community get fair treatment if they receive due and just treatment. The phrase ‘distributive justice’ brings out the meaning of impartial,... Center of discussion in this paper is Principlism, also known as the ‘four principles’ approach refers to a set of moral codes and principles that are employed by decision makers to arrive at decisions in any particular profession. The four principles related to the way of conduct in health. The principles include beneficence, justice, Non-maleficence and autonomy, which is the acknowledgement of a person’s right to make judgments and hold views based on personal beliefs and views. Each principle defines different affairs of concern in health. The principles have their basing in morality required in health. The preference over the four kinds of ethical principles as the structure for ethical decisions making in medical ethics originates partly from proficient background and responsibilities. The virtues and requirements of health professionals have constantly been edged by professional pledges to issue medical care and ensure protection of patients from system fai lure, harm or ailment. Although Beauchamp and Childress’s ethics try to set up on this structure, they considerably move away from it as they try to encompass parts of ethics that have been deserted traditionally in principles of health care, mainly via the ethics of respect for justice and independence. The four principles are required to issue a complete structure for biomedical ethics, but the common structure is only theoretical and is on standby until it gets advanced specification.